Alaska Labor Surplus Areas

Labor surplus areas are determined by the US Department of Labor, and may change from year to year. If you were in a labor surplus area last year and noted that when completing the reps and certs section of your SAM registration or update, you may or may not be in a labor surplus area this year. Failing to amend your labor surplus status in SAM’s reps and certs section constitutes a false statement. Is this an issue? Possibly. At the end of the reps and certs section you’re required to attest to the accuracy of the representations and certifications by submitting the certification, and acknowledge that you understand you may be subject to penalties if you misrepresent your entity in any of these representations or certifications to the government.

The reverse is also true. The area your company calls home may have been added to the recognized labor surplus areas. Both circumstances are common in Alaska, so below is the list of labor surplus areas in Alaska showing the 5 additions for the current fiscal year.

▬ Aleutians East Borough
▬ Bethel Census Area
▬ Denali Borough *
▬ Dillingham Census Area
▬ Hoonah-Angoon Census Area *
▬ Nome Census Area
▬ Northwest Arctic Borough
▬ Petersburg Census Area *
▬ Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area *
▬ Skagway Municipality *
▬ Southeast Fairbanks Census Area
▬ Wade Hampton Census Area
▬ Yakutat Borough/city
▬ Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area