GSA Schedule Prep Workshop to be Held Feb. 17-18 in Seattle Area

The Contracting Education Academy’s popular GSA Schedule Proposal Preparation Workshop will be conducted in the Seattle, Washington area on Feb. 17 and 18, 2015.  Georgia Tech’s hands-on workshop helps businesses prepare – in as little as two days – a proposal to obtain a GSA Schedule contract.

GSA Schedule Contract logoThe federal General Services Administration (GSA) awards about $50 billion in blanket contracts known as “Schedules” to hundreds of companies each year. Eighty percent (80%) of Schedule contractors are small businesses who are successful at 36% of those sales. The process to win one of these contracts begins with a proposal, an arduous task that typically takes several months to prepare.

Now, thanks to Georgia Tech’s workshop, a GSA proposal can be actually completed at the workshop. If a business is not prepared to submit all the documentation during the workshop, the GSA proposal preparation process easily can be shortened to within 30 days following the workshop.

By attending this workshop, business people save time and money with an instructor-guided, do-it-yourself approach as well as avoid mistakes that typically delay or stop GSA Schedule proposals from being considered. Attendees receive expert guidance and valuable documents, including templates and sample narratives based on successful GSA Schedule offers.

The GSA Schedule Proposal Preparation Workshop is conducted by experienced government contracting professionals who have helped many businesses successfully land GSA Schedule contracts. Real-world business scenarios are presented during this interactive workshop, tackling all the difficult and confusing aspects of the proposal process. As an added bonus, The Academy provides workshop attendees with four hours of consulting time with instructional personnel – after the workshop – to answer any remaining questions, review proposal packages, and provide follow-on consulting.

SeattleThe Seattle GSA Schedule Proposal Preparation Workshop will be held on February 17 and 18, 2015 at Green River Community College, Kent Station Campus, Kent, WA – located just 8 miles southeast of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.