President Obama has drafted an President Obama has drafted an Executive Order (E.O.) that would force any company that contracts with the federal government to issue paid leave to employees who are sick, are seeking medical attention or need to care for a sick relative. The draft E.O. would potentially affect hundreds of thousands of workers, since it is aimed at contractors and subcontractors. It would be the latest in a string of E.O.s imposing requirements on companies doing business with the government that the President would like to see applied nationally.
that would force any company that contracts with the federal government to issue paid leave to employees who are sick, are seeking medical attention or need to care for a sick relative. The draft E.O. would potentially affect hundreds of thousands of workers, since it is aimed at contractors and subcontractors. It would be the latest in a string of E.O.s imposing requirements on companies doing business with the government that the President would like to see applied nationally.