Report Urges 18 Actions to Help Small Biz Federal Contractors

A new report by the Bipartisan Policy Center, Goldman Sachs and Center Forward is calling on Congress to re- form small business federal contracting with a series of 18 actions, possibly to be included in the Small Business Administration reauthorization legislation, the report says. The 18 recommendations  are:

  1. Establish specific annual goals for new small business vendor entrants;
  2. End “double-dipping”: If a contractor has more than one certification, such as a woman-owned firm in a HUBZone, count the award for one program only;
  3. Provide resources to SBA to raise WOSB and HUBZone small business contracting;
  4. Raise the Simplified Acquisition Threshold to $250,000;
  5. Expand “Past Performance” possibly to include private sector performance;
  6. Streamline all small business certifi- cations through one central system;
  7. Assist would-be federal contractors in obtaining training before becoming cer- tified;
  8. Create processes for training and counseling new contractors entering the federal market, and for those who soon will lose their “small” designations;
  9. Lower specific bonding thresholds or strengthen the SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee Program;
  10. Increase staffing and resources at SBA and for contracting officers across agencies;
  11. Improve data collection in the elec- tronic subcontracting reporting system (eSRS) regarding prime contractors and subcontractors;
  12. Enforce payment schedules for primes and subcontractors;
  13. Enhance the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) regarding subcontracting plans and contracting officers;
  14. Modernize the 8(a) program;
  15. Remove the need for SBA approvals for 8(a) mergers and acquisitions;
  16. Increase 8(a) sole-source thresh- olds;
  17. Order a congressional oversight in- quiry into category management; and
  18. Create a cross-agency task force to evaluate the small business impact of “best-in-class” contracts and GWACs.

Click here for the full report