JBER Opportunities

The 673d Contracting Squadron Construction Team would like Alaskan construction companies to know there are multiple upcoming projects and bid opportunities on JBER. Most of these contracts will be less than 60 days and are under $25K.

Interested contractors should regularly check FBO.gov and use the FA5000 locater code. JBER contracting officers also use the Dynamic Small Business Search to find vendors. In addition to making sure you have a DSBS account, it is a good idea to verify your business’s System for Award Management (SAM) registration is current. Lastly, businesses are highly encouraged to attend scheduled Site Visits to obtain more information, indicate interest, and be able to provide accurate quotes.


Ms. Della Simmons // della.simmons@us.af.mil

Capt. Mallory O’Malley // mallory.omalley.2@us.af.mil

TSgt.Steven Huffines // steven.huffines@us.af.mil