April 18, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
It can be frustrating for both contractors and government agencies when a winning offer gets the axe simply because of missing details or a tardy submission. In this introductory course, you will delve into the fundamentals of submitting “compliant offers” to government agencies. You will explore the three main types of offers – quotes, bids, and proposals – requested by government agencies. You will understand their nuances and critical factors to weigh in the bid/no-bid decision-making process.
In addition, we’ll share recommendations for additional advanced training resources readily available on demand on govology.com. The valuable tips and strategies covered in this training are universally applicable and can be put into practice across all types of government agencies, whether federal, state, or local.
This webcast is offered to Alaska-registered APEX Accelerators clients only.
Call 786-7258 or email info@apexalaska.org for the registration site and access code.
It can be frustrating for both contractors and government agencies when a winning offer gets the axe simply because of missing details or a tardy submission. In this introductory course, you will delve into the fundamentals of submitting “compliant offers” to government agencies. You will explore the three main types of offers – quotes, bids, and proposals – requested by government agencies. You will understand their nuances and critical factors to weigh in the bid/no-bid decision-making process.
In addition, we’ll share recommendations for additional advanced training resources readily available on demand on govology.com. The valuable tips and strategies covered in this training are universally applicable and can be put into practice across all types of government agencies, whether federal, state, or local.
This webcast is offered to Alaska-registered APEX Accelerators clients only.
Call 786-7258 or email info@apexalaska.org for the registration site and access code.