Entities doing business with the federal government are required to obtain a Unique Entity Identifier, or the UEI created in SAM.gov. The UEI is the official name of the “new, non-proprietary identifier” that replaces the D-U-N-S® number effective April 2022. You will automatically be assigned a Unique Entity ID as part of the SAM.gov registration process. There is NO charge to register or maintain your entity information in SAM.gov.
If your entity is registered in SAM.gov, you already have a Unique Entity ID
If you have an active or inactive registration in SAM.gov today, you’ve already been assigned a Unique Entity ID. It’s viewable on your entity registration record in SAM.gov. Learn how to view your Unique Entity ID (SAM) here.
This guide will take you through the process step by step. If you have questions or need additional assistance, contact your Alaska APEX Accelerator at info@apexalaska.org